The control cabinet for asynchronous motor ЩУ-Н1.1 is manufactured in accordance with technical specifications TU 3434-001-18228229-2021 and is intended for manual and automatic control of an asynchronous motor with a squirrel-cage rotor; protection against overload and short-circuit currents; transmission of corresponding information signals in AC networks with a voltage of 400 V, a frequency of 50 Hz. The product is manufactured in accordance with the customer's documentation.
Technical specifications
Type of execution: | Control cabinet |
Nominal current, A: | 40 |
Nominal frequency, Hz: | 50 |
Nominal voltage of the main circuit, V: | 400 |
Nominal insulation voltage, V: | 660 |
Rated short-circuit current, kA: | 4,5 |
Degree of protection according to GOST 14254-80: | IP54 |
Operating conditions according to GOST 15150-69: | УХЛ3.1 |
Type of grounding system: | TN-S |
Dimensions (height x width x depth), mm: | 1200х750х300 |
Weight (not more than), kg: | 60 |
Height above sea level (not more than), m | 2000 |